In room 10 we are learning to use WOW words in our writing. We went on a walk around the school and looked at plants.
We then used popplet to write down all of the fantastic words we could think of
Next, we put our amazing writing skills to use and wrote some fantastic stories!! Have a read!
Room 10 went to see lots of amazing flowers. I saw lot’s of rainbow flowers. They smelt like pizza. We saw lot’s of different flowers. When we smelled them, then we went to see the vegetable. I saw a little bit of carrots. It was starting to grow but right now it is little. They were spikey, humongous plants. They are fantastic flowers. I had lots of fun.
Today I went to see plants. Room 10 saw flowers and then room 10 went to see spikey carrots and spicy onions. Then Room 10 went to see the gigantic cabbage. After all the vegetables room 10 saw more flowers. Then Room 10 saw cauliflower then Room 10 saw a sign that says “please step over the blocks”. So Room 10 stepped over the blocks to go back to our classroom. Now we’re writing about plants.
Today my class sneaked to the vegetable garden. We saw carrots. the carrots were spikey and pointy. We saw rhubarb. we saw celery as well. We saw flowers. The flower was smooth. We get one of the leaves. It was crunchy. The rhubarb was humungous.
Room Ten went to see the plants by Room 3. The plants smell like strawberries. I like them. The plants were soft.
The flowers were colourful. They smell like celery. They smell nice too. They were spikey too. They were carrots.
I saw a soft smooth velvet colourful one. It was called petals. Mrs Worsfold called us to line up and then we went to the plants. I saw a humungous plant that has a floppy, pokey leaf . I saw a reddy pink stem from a beetroot.
Today Room 10 went outside to look at some flowers. The flowers are amazing because it smelled like like pizza. The we went to the vegetable garden. In the vegetable garden there was a little carrot. It was cheerful, We were an amazing class ever.
I am looking at the beautiful flowers. My favourite flowers are roses. I like the flowers. Flowers are cute.
The whole classroom went to see flowers and vegetables. The colour of the flowers are violet and white. The vegetables were carrots. One carrot has nearly got ripped off. The petals were warm and soft. I felt cheerful. That one had a humungous leaf! I like the humungous leaf. It was an amazing day at the garden.
I went with Room 10 to the flower box and the flowers were colourful. I saw heaps of flowers and some was white and purple and smooth.
Flowers are rainbow colours on the petals. Flowers are soft and colourful and they feel like tissues. They are pretty and beautiful.
I looked at the flowers. I did not know that there was carrots. It was orange. There was some pretty flowers. They were soft.
When I saw the carrots . There were hundreds and hundreds of leaves. I can’t believe how big rhubarb leaves are. I sneaked out so no one could hear. I saw a rainbow. I love the colours. The flowers are soft. I love flowers. It was amazing!
Yesterday I watered my plants. Mum and dad helped me. They are excellent. There were spikey ones and colourful ones. There are big flowers and one is dead because my Dad touched it. It was a humungous one.
I went with Room 10 on a Flower Spy Mission. I adored it. I saw parsley and carrots. Parsley is yum and it’s spikey.
Then we illustrated!!