Sunday, September 29, 2013

Jump Rope for Heart!

On Friday we showed our skipping skills in jump rope for heart! We had so much fun!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Inquiry! How we were enterprising!

Wow! What a journey it has been this term with our enterprise. We started by focussing on rubbish and how it effects us. We looked at lots of ways we could help; recycling, reducing, reusing and upcycling. We looked at things we throw away but could use again!
This lead to our fantastic idea to turn old t-shirts into bags. This helps us reduce our use of plastic bags and also reusing something we would usually throw away and upcycle it into something we could use! Have a look at our journey and our final products!

After sewing, we bundled them up in spirals to tie dye!!

We are proud of them!!

Principal's award assembly!

Today, we had our end of year principal's award ceremony! A huge congratulations to our winners this term!

The Principal's award went to VA for showing the school values, making amazing progress in reading, maths and writing and being an extremely valued member of our class! Congratulations!

The positive social interaction award for showing school values went to KA!

And out of the whole of year 2, AG got the award for wearing our school uniform with pride! Well done boys!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Our Eco messages!

Room 10 did an amazing brainstorm with all our messages we wanted to share with the world about recycling!

Then we used an app called "Word photo" to write up our messages! Check them out!

Eco warriors! on PhotoPeach

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Room 15 Buddy reading!

Room 10 are lucky enough to have Room 15 as our buddy class. We love reading with the year 4s! Thank you to Mrs. Lashlie for letting us come to your beautiful classroom :)

Cleaning up the school!

Room 10 have been getting their environmental hats on this week! We went with room 11 and cleaned up the sensory garden. Check out the fantastic photos of us doing our bit to clean up our school.




Thursday, September 5, 2013

Shapes shapes shapes!

In Room 10, we have been learning about shapes in geometry. We wrote some great riddles. Can you guess what shapes we wrote about?