Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Helping out "The Barking Lot"

Room 10 received a letter in the mail from Miss Ladley's friend Louisa. She has just opened a brand new doggy day care in Wellington and desperately needed some help decorating it!
If you need a fantastic place to take care of your furry pals, here is their website!

So room 10 put their thinking hats on and decided to draw her some pictures to brighten her wall. Here they are! The first photos are the before photos. Miss Ladley said, "what do you think a dog looks like?" So we drew one. Then she showed us the shapes and we practised them all before drawing our final picture.

Check out our amazing art!!!


Louisa and The Barking Lot said...

Room 10 these look amazing! I can not wait to receive them in the mail and will send you all some photos once they are up!

Thank you all!

K3 2012 said...

What beautiful pictures you have drawn Room 10!! It's amazing how many different shapes you can find in lots of different objects!! You should be very proud of yourselves.

Miss Bishop.