Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Hiwi the Kiwi

On Monday, we were lucky enough to have a visit from Hiwi the Kiwi! They taught us to take care of the ocean and how to be a good fisherman. Check out our amazing brainstorm and stories about Hiwi's adventures and taking care of the sea!

Kai moana is food from the sea. We need to take care of the sea.
Big and little fish need to go back in the sea because the big fish might have babies and the little fish need to grow. Do not fish too much!
Some places can’t be fished in. There might be barracouta who are mean fish.
If there were no fish left then there would be no more smoked fish! Which I love!!
We need a life jacket and ice when we go fishing. The ice will keep the fish cool.
If the boat tips over, the life jacket will make you float.
Seafood might go away if we keep fishing too much! Put the fish back in the sea with a wet towel. A wet towel will keep the scales on.
Fish for the future! Save the fish!

We need not to catch too many fish or there will be no fish left. We need to take care of the fish. We need to wear a life jacket when we are in the water. Put little fish back and the big fish too because they might have babies. You need ice to put the fish in. We need to follow these rules so that there will be fish for the future!

Hiwi the Kiwi went fishing in a boat and caught a small fish and let it go with a wet towel.
Then Hiwi the Kiwi caught a fish that was having a baby because it was big.
If Hiwi the Kiwi didn’t know what size it was then we could get the ruler out to see what size the fish was.
But before Hiwi the Kiwi went sailing, he put on a life jacket so be could be safe. Hiwi the Kiwi needs to be safe because there might be sharks in the blue water.

Kaimoana is food for us from the sea, which helps us stay healthy and strong! Don’t over fish so we can have fish for the future!

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